Eye on the Left – News Cameramen’s Reality


The director himself is a veteran news cameraman who put aside a year in the filming of this documentary. He delves into the life and work of four TV news cameramen, giving us a unique perspective on the media world, capturing the rarely seen story of human struggle in an industry where humanity has all but vanished. The documentary reveals the heartfelt feelings of Taiwanese journalists, while at the same time, paints a picture of the director’s own reflections on the ever diminishing ethics of this industry and the impact it has had upon his own life.

Region of Origin

Year of Release



60 minutes


betacam, Color


Li Hui-ren Thumbnail

Li Hui-ren

A TV news cameraman since 1994, Hui-Ren Li has worked at half of the dozen news stations in Taiwan since its expansion of cable TV in the 1990’s. He was a producer at Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC) before resigning on February 12th, 2008, when the headlines of the day was the former vice-president’s becoming a grandfather. He has won numerous awards and recognitions for his work.