
Boundary Revelation

In 1949, the Chinese Party of China occupied the whole of mainland China, and the Nationalist Party of China, commonly known as the Kuomintang, retreated to Taiwan. But not all nationalist forces crossed the Taiwan Strait. Some went into hiding, waiting in the jungles of northern Burma and Thailand for orders from Taiwan. They ended up waiting for fifty years.…


The Other Side

KE is a failed businessman in Taiwan who seeks to rebound and then works as a “Taiwanese Expat” in Shenzhen, China. Lili, a laborer from China, meets her Taiwanese husband online and moves to Taiwan in hope of a better life. Both KE and Lili cross the straits in hopes of achieving what they cannot find in their homeland. But…


Way Home-from Taiwan to the Inner Mongolia

How can an eight-year-old child come to understand the feelings of her family in one short visit?

Born in Taiwan, Tongtong has never seen snow. Her mother comes from Inner Mongolia, China, where it is minus 40 degrees. This winter, the mother decides to take Tongtong back to her hometown to visit her ailing grandmother. In this distant frozen land,…


Out of Place

This is a movie about searching and losing.

Two threads intertwine and form the whole of the story. One of which is about my husband, a man from a Ji family in Muzha Village, Neimen Township. He could be a descendent of Pingpu tribe, but neither he nor his family remembers their origin. A look at a few of old…


The Last 12.8 km

The Directorate General of Highways lends an impetus to build the road no.26 from An-Shuo to Shu-Hai by 3.8billion in 2006. The villagers in the tribe have many different kinds of opinions.”Tribe’’ is the main point of this documentary. It’s filled with rational and perceptual and it describes the relationship between the land and people deeply. It makes people have…


Memory of Islands

There were historical facts that passed down orally indicating Orchid Island and Batan Island had interactions in marriage and leather armor trading in the past couple hundred years. In recent years, five official “ethnic cultural interaction events” were conducted between the two islands, which can be considered as quite frequent for two countries. However, “root finding” has lead to new…