
The Shadow

Even at night time, the Wana shamans from the Sulawesi see the “shadow” in each of us. For them, this “shadow” , which the sun defines on the ground during the day is a spiritually constitutive part of ourselves. It’s by observing the overall aspect of this “shadow” that the Wana shamans diagnose the sickness that is striking. The traditional…


Living with the Invisibles

When they emigrated to Europe in the 60’s and 70’s, Moroccans brought with them their culture and their “diseases”,they believed, caused by the spirit of their ansestors. In Europe, most North African families will include someone who is undergoing this kind of disorder. The disease may manifest differently on each person-(asthma,paralysis,epilepsy…etc).If the disease is left untreated, it might result in…


Fate of the Lhapa

Fate of the Lhapa is a feature-length documentary about the last three Tibetan shamans (lhapas) living in a Tibetan refugee camp in Nepal. These shamans are really concerned about their endangered traditions.They fear there might be no descendants to carry on their healing practices and traditional treatments.The lhapas requested their stories to be filmed. They wish to keep a historical…



In-hi, a 28 year-old woman experienced paralysis in her upper body for no reason. Moreover accidents happened to her family incessantly. She regarded this as some kind of curse and visited Hae-kyung, the female shaman. In-hi found out that she is destined to be a shaman and fell into dilemma. Korean Shamans are the intermediaries between the living world and…