徐木珍劇照KSC_1514演奏二弦 與田文光 張德祥

60 Years of Singing Ballad in Hakka:Mu-Zhen Xiu

Hakka Ballad is the traditional medium for the Hakka to express feelings or tell history in the agricultural society. People would sing their thoughts by impromptu lyrics, which was called Sui-Keu-Loi(sing as it comes).

Mu-Zhen Xiu was born in the Hsinchu countryside in 1944. Due to his blindness, he was good at singing Hakka Ballad along with urheen since childhood,…


The Voices of the Arctic

Three stories about the people of the Far North and their life choices. Each short story is an essay about traditions, life and music in the life of the characters. The film is about the struggle of two civilizations: the modern world and the ethnic group.



My Rembetika Blues

Rembetika music or the Greek blues is a music born of exile and the streets. Developing its roots from the mass migration of people in the early twentieth century, filmmaker M. Zournazi traces the journey of her forebears from Smyrna in Turkey to Sydney Australia but discovers more than family history, she finds out how music connects people during times…