Dina_Stars and Adriano_ComePizza represent the pioneer generation of YouTubers in Cuba, a country where until recently, internet access was heavily controlled by the government out of fear of freedom of information and expression. After surviving an attempted sexual assault, Dina devotes her channel to women’s rights issues. However, her political activism invites consequences when in 2021, Cuba witnesses the largest anti-government protests in decades.


Region of Origin

Year of Release



25 minutes


Digital, Color

Previous Screenings

Saturday, October 7, 2023 / 13:00 2023 Schedule
Sunday, April 28, 2024 / 14:00 2024 Screening Schedule – Hualien


Paola Calvo Thumbnail

Paola Calvo

Paola Calvo is a Venezuelan-born film director and cinemtagrapher. She is the one half of the Directors & Cinemtographers Duo TUMULT. In Madrid she graduated in Media Studies at the Universidad Complutense. A year later, she began studying cinematography at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (dffb). Documentary filmmaking is the context in which Paola has found the most interesting visual and narrative forms for herself. She has received several awards for her work. In her career she has worked with Pepa San Martín, Katarina Schröter, Julius von Bismarck and Moritz Frei, among others. Aiming to image intimacy for the big screen, she shot Violently Happy, a 90-minute documentary that was released in German cinemas from January to March 2017. In 2019, she co-founded the production company TUMULT with Patrick Jasim. The film “Luchadoras” is her debut together with Patrick Jasim. The Film was shortlisted for the Academy
Film Awards in Germany in 2023.

Steffen Köhn Thumbnail

Steffen Köhn

Steffen Köhn is a filmmaker, anthropologist and video artist. He uses ethnography to understand contemporary sociotechnical landscapes. For his research-based video and installation works he collaborates with gig workers, designers, fellow artists, software developers fellow artists, software developers or science fiction writers, His work has been shown at the Akademie der Künste Berlin, Kunsthaus Graz, Vienna Art Week, Hong Gah Museum Taipei, Lulea Biennale and the ethnographic museums of Copenhagen and Dresden, among others. His films have been shown at the Berlinale, Slamdance and the International Film Festival Rotterdam, among others.