Rebel Objects

Anthropologist and filmmaker Carolina Arias Ortiz returns to Costa Rica, where she spent her childhood. She visits her estranged father. When he is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, death suddenly draws close. At the same time she meets the archaeologist Ifigenia Quintanilla, who is conducting research into one of Costa Rica’s most famous cultural phenomena: the large, pre-Columbian stone spheres found scattered across the landscape, and the many myths associated with them. The filmmaker uses subdued black and white—the only color we see is in the photos of her mother left by her father—to present the gorgeous natural environment, the miraculous spheres, and other stone objects that may or may not reveal their secrets. Her voice-over, archive images, family photos, and Quintanilla’s philosophically tinged texts connect the personal with the rich history of the country’s original inhabitants. The mysterious stone spheres become a powerful metaphor for our relationship with death and the eternal.


Region of Origin

Year of Release



70 minutes


2K, Color

Previous Screenings

Saturday, October 7, 2023 / 18:10 2023 Schedule


Carolina Arias Ortiz Thumbnail

Carolina Arias Ortiz

Carolina Arias Ortiz is born in Costa Rica, in 1987. At age 12, she
migrates with her mother and sister to Brussels, in Belgium. Her concerns for understanding cultural differences lead her to study anthropology. Then, her fascination with the observation and listening of others, made her explore cinema and audiovisual language. In 2010 she travels to Barcelona to receive a postgraduate degree in
documentary cinema after which she decides to return to Latin America and settles in Quito, Ecuador for 4 years. She works in
different indigenous territories and with women’s organizations. She
currently lives in Costa Rica where she works teaching anthropology
and film. She also develops documentary projects with her production company. She is a PhD student in anthropology and film at the University of Costa Rica.