This documentary is about a rural family with two teenage children, whose eldest child helps them a lot in life, but continues to face difficulties and obstacles…..
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Amirali Mirderikvand
Amirali Mirderikvand,was born in IRAN in 1982.He has Master degree in Cinema. Amirali Mirderikvand is an independent director in Iran who has been working in Iranian cinema for more than fifteen years. Amirali has made many short fiction films as well as documentaries. Some of them can be mentioned: Save , Passing the fog, 4 minutes silence, Canned, Mozaffar, Under thunder, Dijameh and Esfomato. Amirali mirderikvand with his films has entered the competition section of more than 150 festivals in different countries and more than thirty awards from these festivals have been awarded to his films.SFUMATO is the latest film by Amirali mirderikvand, made in 2020 and has participated in the competition section of more than fifty international festivals and has received thirteen awards.