Time and Location
Time: 4-8 October, 2019
Venue: Wonderful Theatre, Taipei
All films will have both English and Chinese subtitles.
Group Tickets: Purchase is available before the screening day NT$100/person for one single purchase of more than 10 tickets. Please contact us via email for more details.
General Tickets: TIEFF Pass NT$2000 | Individual Ticket NT$150
Advanced Tickets: TIEFF Pass NT$1800 | Individual Ticket NT$130
Ticket Package: Choosing 6 screenings NT$690. (With the stub, you can have 21\% discount on ordering books from Taiwan Interminds Publishing Inc. Ordering line: (02) 2775-3736)
Advanced Ticket Purchase
Pre-order Period: 9/4 ~ 10/1 2019 12:00 pm
Sales Location: www.artsticket.com.tw (Page is in Chinese, search for “民族誌影展”)
English Language Hotline:: +886-2-3393-9882 (1:00pm to 5:00pm daily)
Contact Number: (02)3393-9888