Walking Dancing Belonging

Three women share their art and their experience of being in country. They share a sense of belonging to a place and walking in it, dancing with it as the songs of country and culture resonate in their artistic expression. Each artist with a personal interpretation of country presents a selection of artworks that reflect the multi-faceted colours of Kimberley light, the nuance of detailed observation of a loved environment and the expression of a living vibrant cultural presence.

Year of Release



22 minutes


Betacam, Color


Mitch Torres

Mitch Torres: A Yawuru, Gooniyandi woman from Broome and has been in the media industry for over 23 years. Mitch has extensive experience in acting, directing, producing and writing. More recently Mitch has been producing and directing documentaries and visual story telling.
Mitch Torres is the only writer on The Circuit from The Kimberley region of Western Australia (from the Gooniyandi, Djabber Djabber, Djugan nations). Her other drama credits include the short Promise (as writer / director), and the upcoming ACTF / Disney series Double Trouble (as writer).
Originally an actor (Fringe Dwellers and Tudawalli), then journalist (as the first Indigenous on-air presenter on SBS Television), Mitch is now an experienced writer and director working from her hometown Broome. Her documentary credits include the multi award winning Whispering In Our Hearts, (First Peoples Film FestivaI-Montreal, Human Rights Award, and Tudawali Award for Best Documentary), Case 442 and Bungarun Orchestra, both for ABC TV, and Jijas Gotta Voice.