Dina_Stars and Adriano_ComePizza represent the pioneer generation of YouTubers in Cuba, a country where until recently, internet access was heavily controlled by the government out of fear of freedom of information and expression. After surviving an attempted sexual assault, Dina devotes her channel to women’s rights issues. However, her political activism invites consequences when in 2021, Cuba witnesses the largest anti-government protests in decades.


Khon Boys

A documentary recording the lives of Khon students in their last years of study. They spent six years under the rules of the military regime after the 2014 coup d’etat. The coup granted the regime power to change many things, especially education which became more focused on the monarchy and royal glorification instead of basic human values. While the world is becoming awakened to human rights, the military regime deems them against their own values. The shooting of the film began at the time of the king’s succession, shortly after which there was a great social awakening in Thailand. Meanwhile, the authorities used state violence and oppression in an effort to eliminate dissidents, even when they were just high school and university students.


Hi, AI

The robots are at our doorstep. Scientists as well as tech-visionaries are certain that in a few years robots will be an integral part of our everyday life. But humanoid robots are more than just another gadget. Bearing a resemblance to living creatures in their conduct and looks, they are more like new beings on our planet. We are the Robots, shows robots interacting with humans in everyday-environments already today.

What will we gain from this new technology? And what will we lose?

Humanoid robots are like new creatures on our planet. They work at reception desks, in shopping malls or as chefs. And they are coming into our private lives…

„With an A.I., you have to keep your sentences short and to the point.“

This piece of advice is given to Chuck as he’s picking up his new robot partner Harmony fresh from the factory. Together they go on a road trip through California. As it turns out at a second glancing, the sex robot Harmony likes books and can ad lib quote Ray Kurzweil.

In Tokyo, Grandma Sakurai is introduced to the cute robot Pepper, a present from her son, so she has someone to keep her company. But soon Pepper turns out to be quite capricious, fnding the old lady’s conversation topics of little interest.

While Harmony and Chuck are searching for love, and Pepper and Grandma are killing time, pressing questions arise: How will robots and artifcial intelligence change our lives? What will we win, what will we lose? And, who will be the main actors in the future world? The documentary shows us tomorrow’s world today.


The Perfect Dream

Young people living in a residential care unit conceive and develop a gangster film in which the staff are cast in the roles of the international mafia. Scenes of the gangster drama are interwoven with the daily hassles the kids have to negotiate.

Mit Koran und greller Schminke/ Transsexuelle in Pakistan


“Transsexual in Pakistan” is about the “khusras,” a marginal community within Pakistani society. They are born male, but devote themselves to searching outand developing the feminine side of their souls. They are transsexual from the western physiological point of view, but to the local Pakistanis, what the khusras signify is beyond gender differences. People treat the khusras as the most honorable guests at family gatherings, and believe that they will bring good fortune to newborn babies.

This film records the lifestyles and philosophies of various khusragroups, especially how the khusras pass down their experiences and regulations through mentor/ pupil relationships.